Investor FAQ
How can I obtain information on Acme United’s latest financial results?
Acme United announces its quarterly earnings results via press release. The press release is immediately posted to our Investor Relations Web site. This Investor Relations Web site also has links to past earnings announcements, annual reports, all SEC filings on the SEC’s EDGAR database, and other pertinent information.
What is the stock symbol and CUSIP number for Acme United’s common stock?
The stock symbol is ACU and the CUSIP number is 004816104.
On what stock exchange is Acme United listed?
Acme United common stock is listed on the American Stock Exchange.
What year and where was Acme United incorporated?
Acme United was incorporated in Connecticut in 1882 as Acme Shear Company. In 1971 the corporate name was changed to Acme United Corporation.
Does Acme United pay dividends?
Yes. Click hereto see Dividend History.
Who is Acme United’s transfer agent?
Acme United’s transfer agent and registrar is:
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
59 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038
(718) 921-8208
How can I acquire an Acme United annual report?
Recent years’ annual reports are available as downloadable Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) documents at Acme United's Investor Relations Web site . For printed annual reports, call the Investor Relations office at 203-254-6060.
How does someone buy Acme United stock?
Acme United stock can be bought or sold through a stock broker, bank, or generally through a financial institution that provides brokerage services.